Cyber Security

What is phishing?
While we ensure all your personal information is stored securely you can also help play a part in minimising any risk of data loss from phishing attempts by cybercriminals. Phishing is the act of impersonating a legitimate institution with the purpose of luring individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information. Attempts are usually completed by email however can take the form of text message or telephone calls.

Help to identify

Signs to help you identify a phishing attempt are:

  • email, text or phone call asking you to update or verify your account details
  • the communication does not address you by your proper name and may contain typing errors and grammatical mistakes
  • website provided is not

ORDE’s approach

To further protect you it’s important to be aware of ORDE’s practices for customer communication:

  • we will never ask you to confirm your account login or personal information via email
  • our attached documents will only be Adobe PDF.

If you identify any communication impersonating ORDE or have doubts please contact us on 13 ORDE or email [email protected].

Further information

More information on identifying and protecting yourself from phishing attacks generally can be found on the governments Scam Watch website.