Get your clients house in ORDEr! We can help when the tax man cometh. 3 February 2023

Get your clients house in ORDEr! We can help when the tax man cometh. 3 February 2023

At ORDE, we don’t let an ATO obligation stop your clients in their tracks.

It’s a nightmare situation. Your customer thinks they’ve paid enough tax. But one day, your client finds out their rogue (now former) accountant hasn’t filed their tax returns properly.


The upshot? An unexpected tax bill for your client to the tune of $150,000. Just when they wanted to get their financial house in order.


Enter ORDE. We thrive on challenges like this.


This situation happened to one of our broker’s clients and we were pleased to come to the rescue.


Thanks to this self-employed borrower’s clear credit report and up-to-date BAS, we were able to help them secure P&I finance to consolidate their tax debt and refinance their existing residential home loan.


You’ll be pleased to know the borrower has also found a new accountant.


ORDE Financial is a dynamic Australian non-bank lender that’s built for brokers. We have a full suite of loans for borrowers with unique circumstances. We have helped discharged bankrupts, borrowers with defaults, self-employed people – Residential, Commercial and SMSF clients.


We’re supported by a state-of-the art digital platform to streamline applications and credit decisions and fast settlement times. Plus, we offer competitive fees and interest rates.  Our people are some of the best in the industry, accessible, reliable, and consistently looking for ways to deliver a better broker experience overall.


And we love a challenge. So, talk to us today about how we can help you find great solutions for your clients.